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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: The Year of the Dog by Grace Lin

The Year of the Dog
by Grace Lin

Recommended by: Michael A.
This is a great book if you are bored. The main character is Grace. She is Taiwan-American. The new year is the Year of the Dog. It promises for a good and lucky year. Grace wants to find out what she wants to do in life. She tries many different tings but still can't find something. When she starts school, she makes a friend, a best friend, named Melody. She goes through ups and lows. My favorite part of the story is when Grace ends the play, and the crowd roared! You could feel the emotion she felt. This book was well written! Follow her story! See if the Year of the Dog will keep its legacy.

This book was: Great!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like real life stuff.

I rate this book:

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