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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Under the Royal Palms by Alma Flor Ada

Under the Royal Palms
by Alma Flor Ada

Recommended by:  Miles C.
This book is about a young girl's childhood, and how she makes the best of everything. Her name is Alma Flor Ada. She lives in Camaguey, Cuba. Living in a not very advanced town, like we have, she has to find a lot of way to pass time. Alma didn't really have the best school life, she played by herself a lot. Alma loved to make lots of objects out of her clay. When her uncle dies in a plane crash, she feel very alone. 
Pick the book up right now to find out how she finds her way in life.

This book was: Very good read!

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who likes to cry.

I rate this book:

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