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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: A House of Tailors by Patricia Reilly Giff

A House of Tailors
by Patricia Reilly Giff

Recommended by:  Maeve S.
In the book, A House of Tailors, you learn about a 14-year-old  girl who lives in Germany during the time of World War II selling and fixing clothing as a tailor with her mom and sister, Dina. One night Dina was trading dress patterns with her French friend, Elise, who lives across the river. They were secretly trying not to be seen, but on her way back to her house Dina was caught by a German soldier and was threatened to be killed because he thought she was a French spy. She then had to take her sister's ticket to America to live with her uncle. Dina was happy and sad leaving Germany. She wouldn't ever have to sew again, but she wouldn't see her family again. When Dina arrived in America, she was upset because she saw a sewing machine. Later, Dina gets in a fight with the Uncle and wants to go home.

This book was: Very good!

I would recommend this book to:  Historical fiction readers.

I rate this book:

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