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Friday, December 5, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Same Sun Here

Same Sun Here
by Neela Vaswani and Silas House

Recommended by: Mackenna T.
River and Meena have a lot of things in common, like fathers forced to work away from home to earn enough money, and grandmothers they just love, and faithful dogs they adore. But Meena is an Indian immigrant girl living in Chinatown, New York, in a makeshift apartment; while River lives in Kentucky with his grandma and mom. While Meena's parents study for citizenship exams, River's town faces devastating mountain top "removal". These two totally different people become pen pals. When their friendship deepens they discover common ground in their separate lives.

This book was: Cute and amusing!

I would recommend this book to:  People who enjoy letter-like books.

I rate this book:

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