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Monday, December 8, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Heat

by Mike Lupica

Recommended by: Kadyn W.
The novel, "Heat", is about a 12-year-old boy named Michael Arroyo and his 17-year-old brother, Carlos. Michael's dad recently died and he is now an orphan. A woman named Mrs. Cora takes care of them. Michael plays for the Clippers, a Little League baseball team. He impresses others by throwing a baseball at Ramon, who stole Mrs. Cora's purse. Some coaches don't believe Michael is 12-years old with that good of a pitch. Tony Gibbs of the ACS asks for Michael's birth certificate, but Michael doesn't have it. Therefore, he is not eligible to play baseball. Michael will need the help of his friends, Manny and Ellie, to find his birth certificate in order to prove his age, which is located in Cuba - his native home. During the Little League Finals against the Westchester South Giants, Ellie, El Grande-Michael's favorite professional baseball player, Tony Gibbs and a man named Steve Kain walk toward Michael. Ellie hands an envelope to Michael which contains Michael's birth certificate. Following this encounter is an exciting ending which I will not reveal to you. My favorite part of the book was when Michael received his birth certificate with the help of his supportive friends.

This book was: Very interesting and hard to put down!

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who loves sports and cliffhangers.

I rate this book:

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