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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: The Lily Pond by Annika Thor

The Lily Pond
by Annika Thor

Recommended by:  Jamilla B.
Stephie Steiner and her sister were sent to an island, away from their parents and homeland, Vienna, which was invaded by Nazis. She now lives with her foster parents. They decide to allow her to enroll in school on the mainland, in Göteborg. She is eager to go. Not only will she be getting an educations, she will be living in a city, in the same house as Sven. He is the son of the lodgers who rented her foster parents island cottage for the summer. Sven is five-years-older than her. He always talks about equality and is anti-Hitler. Stephie can't stop falling in love with him. She navigates through new emotions. Does Stephie like the new situation she is in? Or does she want things back to normal?

This book was: Great!

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