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Friday, December 5, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: The Shadows of Ghadames

The Shadows of Ghadames
by Joelle Stolz

Recommended by: MacKenna Theis
In a Libyan city called Ghadames, Malika watches her father get ready for one of his caravan expeditions. She wants to travel to distant cities and read and write like her brother, Jasim. She's nearly 12-years-old, almost ready for marriage. Muslim women are secluded to the rooftops of Ghadames and Malika must learn to live with a more secluded and limited lifestyle. One night she and one of her mothers finds and injured man outside their home. They take care of him which breaks the Muslim women's tradition. This man affects Malika in unexpected ways.

This book was: Enchanting and inspiring!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like to learn things about different countries.

I rate this book:

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